2025 Registration 2025 Registration

Award Categories

Find out more below about our award categories and criteria.

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Honorary Award Categories


The Achiever award is the INCITE Awards’ peak award and recognises an individual’s outstanding contribution to the ICT industry in WA.  Nominees may include a Western Australian educator who has shown excellence in ICT education and demonstrated exceptional outcomes for both students and employers.  
Past winners have included IS managers, academics and persons who have built significant ICT organisations in WA.

Sponsor this award.

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Pearcey Western Australian Entrepreneur

Pearcey Foundation The Pearcey Western Australian Entrepreneur Award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the Western Australian ICT Industry.  It is aimed at finding an outstanding entrepreneur who has “taken a risk”, “made a difference” and “is an inspiration”.

Sponsored by the Pearcey Foundation.

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Dr. Mal Bryce WA Tech Company 

This award recognises the growing range of sectors and markets in Western Australia and the positive impact of technology in the State. The Dr Mal Bryce WA Tech Company is a leader in the industry, making an outstanding contribution to the diverse economy of Western Australia, standing in its own right while changing and transforming industry.

Sponsor this award.

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Digital Inclusion Award

WAITTA’s Digital Inclusion award, The Connected State, recognises organisations that have significantly contributed to expanding digital access and use for all Western Australians, thus bridging the digital divide.

Organisations that provide IT services, solutions and support that enable Western Australians at risk of digital disadvantage to access and use digital technology and online services are encouraged to enter.

Sponsored by the Office of Digital Government Western Australia.

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Project Award Categories

Innovating Government 

This award recognises an outstanding ICT solution created in WA, dedicated to making governments digitally innovating and inclusive. Through ready and reliable access to modern technologies and digital services, the following public benefits can be accessed: 

– improve the lives of people, 
– enable economic prosperity, 
– further social inclusion, education and training, 
– simplify and increase access to health and other government services
– increase civic participation

The services and solutions ensure that people can confidently and safely enjoy the benefit of digital technologies.

Sponsored by the Office of Digital Government Western Australia.

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Transformative Solutions 

This award recognises and celebrates an outstanding transformative digital and/or technological solution created or based in WA, that’s transforming processes, culture, customer experience and/or business solutions. The solution supports smarter processes in an innovative and collaborative manner, delivering and transforming organisations with high levels of productivity and competitiveness. 

Sponsored by Kinetic IT.

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City of Perth Social Impact Award

This award recognises an outstanding digital and/or technology solution created in or based in WA that solves pressing social challenges and/or injustices, to deliver:

– a significant positive change through excellence in social responsibility,
– improved human dignity and,
– opportunity, improvement in essential resources and services.   

The solution breaks down barriers to health, education, social impact and/or social justice. It improves sustainability for people, the environment, the protection of human rights and/or ethical sourcing.

Sponsored by the City of Perth.

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For outstanding digital innovation by a Western Australia-based company in the start-up phase of development.

Sponsored by Startup WA.

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Research & Innovation (Industry)

Research and Innovation constitutes the first stages of development of a potential new service or product by individuals, the community or industry. The award includes digital research development activities undertaken in developing novel/new to market services or products or improving existing services or products within Western Australia.

Sponsored by NRI.

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Research & Innovation (Post-Graduate)

Recognising academic contributions to the sector, the Research & Innovation Award (Post-Graduate) constitutes the first stages of development of a potential new service or product. The award includes digital research development activities undertaken in developing novel/new to market services or products.

Sponsored by NRI.

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Peter Fillery Undergraduate Tertiary Student Project

This award recognises the most outstanding ICT project undertaken by a Western Australian based tertiary undergraduate or course-work Masters student or group of students, (registered as active undergraduate or coursework Masters student(s) in a higher-learning institution, such as a college, TAFE or university).

NB: Tertiary postgraduate students or group of students undertaking research Masters, Doctoral or Post-Doctoral programs are not eligible, but may enter the “Research and Innovation” Category.

Sponsored by the Australian Computer Society (ACS).

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